Why Hailee Steinfeld Would Love To Make A Bumblebee Sequel

Why Hailee Steinfeld Would Love To Make A Bumblebee SequelRather than pick up where Transformers: The Last Knight left off, the latest entry of the Transformers film series, Bumblebee, looked back to 1987 to show the eponymous protagonist forming an especially close bond with Hailee Steinfeld's Charlie...

Domhnall Gleeson Is Super Paranoid To Even Talk About Star Wars Episode IX Right Now

Domhnall Gleeson Is Super Paranoid To Even Talk About Star Wars Episode IX Right NowProduction on the last episode of the new Star Wars trilogy is now underway. This has a lot of fans very excited and it has Domhnall Gleeson feeling really paranoid. While the rest of us can't wait to find out what happens...